Guyana Norway REDD+ Partnership

Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Project, Phases 1 to 3



Project Document Development
January 2010
Phase 1 - Project Implementation
December 2014
Phase 1 - End of Project Implementation
January 2015
Phase 2 - Project Implementation
December 2019
Phase 2 - End of Project Implementation
July 2021
Phase 3 - Project Implementation
June 2024
Phase 3 -Project Completion

Project Status & Information



Financial Performance

Funds Allocated (US$)​
USD $ 0
Expenditure (US$)​
USD $ 0


Number of MRV reports
Capacity on Payment for Ecosystem Services
Capacity on Implementation of NDCs
Capacity on process to forest certification (PEFC)
Small-scale farmers implementing Reduced Impact Logging (RIL)


Guyana’s Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification System is a critical component of the country’s commitment to sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation. MRVS, a GIS-based and field-based system, was developed to measure and report on forest cover changes and carbon emissions, underpinning results-based REDD+ compensation. This project, executed in three phases, aims to support Guyana in fulfilling its domestic and international commitments, including those under the UNFCCC, and to prepare for market-based actions in forest carbon trading.

Guyana’s Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification System (MRVS) is a critical component of the country’s commitment to sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation. The Paris Agreement, adopted at COP 21, underscored the role of forests in offsetting human actions and called for policies to conserve standing forests. Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) envisions transforming the economy while combating climate change through sustainable forest management and mechanisms like REDD+.

The primary objective of this project is to maintain an efficiently functioning MRVS that meets both international and national requirements and supports natural resources management in Guyana. The rationale behind the MRVS is to provide a robust mechanism for tracking and reporting on forest cover changes and carbon emissions, thereby facilitating Guyana’s ability to participate in global climate initiatives such as the UNFCCC and REDD+. This system not only supports the conservation and sustainable management of forests but also enables Guyana to access performance-based payments and market-based funding mechanisms for forest services.


Phase 1 (2010-2014): Establishing Interim Measures Phase 1 focused on establishing the foundational elements of the MRVS. During this period, interim measures were put in place to begin monitoring forest cover and carbon emissions. The primary goal was to develop initial capabilities and infrastructure necessary for comprehensive national REDD+ monitoring. The successful establishment of these interim measures set the stage for more advanced monitoring and reporting in subsequent phases.

Phase 2 (2015-2019): Consolidating and Expanding Capacities Phase 2 aimed at consolidating and expanding the capacities built during Phase 1. This phase saw significant advancements in the MRVS, including the completion of forest area change and emissions reporting for 2015-2019 under the Guyana-Norway agreement. The introduction of new ESA satellites provided national satellite coverage, which was previously unavailable. Technologies like Google Earth Engine replaced costlier remote sensing software, enhancing efficiencies and maintaining high mapping standards. By 2020, the annual deforestation rate was recorded at 0.057%, with mining being the primary driver, as shown in the graph above. Total emissions from deforestation and degradation during this period were 14,818,312 tCO2, with the forest area estimated at 18.001 million hectares.

Phase 3 (2020-2025): Enhancing MRVS and Integrating Forest Carbon Markets The objective of Phase 3 is to maintain an efficiently functioning MRVS that meets international and national requirements and supports natural resources management in Guyana. This phase addresses the evolving international reporting requirements from the UNFCCC, including the Paris Agreement and the Katowice Rulebook. Key activities include improving the MRVS to track performance of REDD+ activities, integrating real-time satellite data for more accurate monitoring, and supporting capacity building at both government and non-government levels. The NICFI Planet Data Program, initiated in 2020, provided high-resolution satellite monitoring, enhancing Guyana’s capabilities. The MRVS also informed policy improvements and expanded applications in land management, involving community participation through initiatives like CMRV, which trained local monitors and verified high-accuracy mapped areas. These efforts are crucial for Guyana to meet its REDD+ objectives, underpin strategies, and track both carbon and non-carbon impacts of REDD+ activities. To date, the Guyana Forestry Commission has published eleven MRV Reports, independently verified by third-party verifiers.

Guyana’s REDD+ Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system represents a significant stride in the nation’s commitment to mitigating climate change through sustainable forest management. By employing advanced remote sensing technology, satellite imagery, and ground-based data collection, Guyana’s MRV system, which is a result of the Guyana-Norway partnership implemented by the Guyana Forestry Commission, provides a robust framework for tracking and reporting changes in forest cover and carbon flux. This system has to date, generated the following annual reports:

Key Results

Guyana's Annual Deforestation Rate
Annual Area Deforested by Driver


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